Here are some pictures of our new house in Nampa, ID taken as we were moving in.
Unfortunately they were all taken with a disposable camera, and some of them didn't come out too good. Scanning them all in was a real nightmare too. I had been running Photoshop from the network (one install, many users, less drive space) anyway for some reason my connection to that box keeps coming and going. Consequently everytime I lost connection Photoshop would terminate in a mannor that was less than graceful. It was happening every one to two pictures. Finally I got fed up and copied it locally, and finished with much less grief.

Our big ol' truck that crawled up every hill at 30 MPH

Front view of the house

Stairs coming in the front door - it's split level

Front part of our bedroom coming in from the garage

View of the back door from our bedroom

View of our bedroom from the back door

Our bedroom closet with the passage under the stairs into the office
Made it real easy to run cable :)

The garage - that's a heater / AC unit that's suspended from the ceiling

The office

Laundry room right in front of the bathroom

Downstairs bathroom

Kitchen view from the living room

Front of the living room view from the kitchen

Back yard from deck

House from back yard