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June 30, 2003

Boy, no news really is good news.  Got several new sites.  Check 'em out.

Live 365 is no longer free, so I'm no longer there.  If you miss it let me know.

I might consider paying for it if there are really visitors listening to it.


December 8, 2001

Well, I finally did it.  I made the transition to frames.  Boy was dat fun!!!!

Oh, by the way, you script kiddies that think this is an NT box.....

I got news for ya, it's not!!!!   Your IP's have been logged and your ISP's

have been notified.  This really irks me, don't these boneheads have anything

else to do???  Guess not.


July 19, 2001

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!   I'm baaaack!!!!

Check out the changes....., I'm not telling you what they are.


June 21,2001

/bin/false????  Nice, real nice.


April 26, 2001

56K stream will be converted shortly. Will be upgrading this system over the weekend so all systems will be down.


April 2, 2001

I added a 33.6K+ stream, however, I'm not liking the sound quality I'm getting out of the 33.6 stream.

I'm thinking about bumping it to 56K+.  If there are any objections please send mail within the next week.


March 30, 2001

Ok, so I lag.  (Sendmail woes, taking up all of my spare time).

After much more time than I had anticipated, the radio station is now up.  CHECK IT OUT!!!

Click Here To Listen    if you have DSL/Cable/T1+

Click Here To Listen    if you have a 33.6K+ modem


March 17, 2001

It finally happened.  I got my firewall up and all seems to be well. 

Those of you who have email on my server, please request new instructions from   You can also request your own mailing address or shell account.

My script kiddies seem to be stumped at this point.  Good news for me!!!

Now I can get back to more pressing issues, like finding a job, and creating

my online radio station.   Yes, that's right, coming soon (maybe even today) I will

be online with an all Christian, no commercial, continuous music station. Stay tuned for link.


February 20, 2001

Whoever it is who is trying to hack my site, please stop.

I have the logs and I will be contacting your ISP very soon.

Yes I am still paying attention to this site.

Not as often as I would like, but that's Ok.   Robert T. has done an extraordinary amount of work

on the Gospel Christian project.  I, on the other hand,  have had my hands full tracking

script kiddies, and making sense of their stupidity.  Also working on a few non-web

related side projects.  More updates are coming soon.  I promise.


October 6, 2000

I have been working on a new site with a fellow Christian, Rob Terry, for about

2 months now on and off.  It's still quite rough around the edges,however I would like to start

getting some feedback on it.  The URL is

This will eventually be a separate domain when it is finished.


September 29, 2000

I would like to extend my apologies for the mail outage that has been experienced on for the past two weeks.  I was unaware there was even a problem until

yesterday.  Apparently when I installed a certain development package, it installed a

new SMTP Server (used to receive mail).  It overrode the default SMTP Server

that was properly configured.  Thereby causing rejection of all external mail.


My address book application is finally completed and packaged.

Not to mention available for FREE DOWNLOAD HERE.

The next version is slated to include search capability and alphabetical indexing.

Let me know what you think.


August 2,2000

Check out my spoof of Microsoft's default server page.


June 26, 2000 is now working,
But then you probably know that already if you are here!
The reason it took over 2 months to get the domain up was a combination
of my inexperience as well as the poor management of Granite Canyon Public DNS.
Due to an ongoing issue, their zone updates have not been taking place or
have been getting mangled.  After monitoring a news group for a week, I was able to determine this.
Under recommendation of a kind soul in that group, I changed my DNS to
Central Information Services and I have been up and running ever since.
Microsoft Exchange was giving me grief for the past 2 days, (couldn't send or
receive mail).  It is working now though (had to reinstall the internet mail connector).
Come back often, changes will be taking place soon.

My new email is

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